Promo Codes and 4 Other Holiday Dating Tips.

4 Tips For Dating During The Holidays promo code - holiday dating

Dating during the holidays can be difficult. There are often time restraints and obligations that cause romantic relationships to take a back seat. One thing you can do? Try out is tight during the don't want to blow your if you do sign up with a dating service like that, use a promo code website to save a few bucks. Here's two that we like: - it's a travel discount site, but they have cool coupon codes for and other online merchants. 

Now that we've saved you hundreds of dollars (you're welcome!), here's some more holiday dating tips. 

Here are four tips for surviving dating during the holiday season.

1. Don't date because you're lonely

The holidays can be a lonely time of year. It's filled with family togetherness, parties, and other events you might want to bring a date to. You might feel pressure to bring someone to events, but don't rush into a relationship simply so you won't be alone. Doing this may cause you to start a relationship with someone you're not compatible with. Once the holidays are over and you no longer need a date for frequent events, you may find you don't have much interest in spending time with them. It's also important to remember that if your relationship is brand new they might not feel comfortable going to your family and work events. If you want someone to take with you, make a deal with another single friend that you'll go to each other's events together.

2. Respect their time

If you're in a new relationship, it might be too early to invite each other to family gatherings. Because it's the holiday season, it's important that you understand your time together might be more limited. Don't take this personally and push your partner to invite you along if they aren't yet ready or nag them into spending time with you. It's probably safe to assume you also have friends and family to do things with during the holiday season as well.

3. Do plan a holiday-themed date

If you've dated someone for four months or four years, a holiday-themed date should be in order. Depending on what's offered in your city, you might go ice skating, enjoy neighborhood lights or a special light show, watch holiday movies with cookies and hot cocoa, or go skiing or sledding. The holidays can be busy and stressful so you want to take time out to have fun with the person you're dating. Create happy memories.

4. Moderate your alcohol intake

You're probably going to find yourself in more situations where alcohol is being served, so you want to make sure you don't overdo it. Drinking too much is an easy way to create problems in your relationship. Add drinking to the general stress of the season could spell disaster. You might find yourself arguing with your partner more often. To avoid this, pre-plan which events you would prefer to have a drink at and what your limit will be. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat so the alcohol doesn't hit you too fast.

Dating during the holidays isn't easy, but if you know what to expect it doesn't have to be difficult. Promo Codes and 4 Other Holiday Dating Tips.

4 Tips For Dating During The Holidays Dating during the holidays can be difficult. There are often time restraints and obliga...